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Thrift Shopper Buys a $17 Case With a “Do Not Open” Tag and Finds Something Unexpected

Source: Thrift Store Hauls/ Reddit

Are you a shopaholic who would love to turn your hobby into an adventure? Then, say no more; thrift shopping should take priority on your daily to-do list. Besides the affordability and sustainability you get to enjoy when shopping for thrift store items, thrifting can make you feel like you’re on a treasure hunt. 

With a very wide variety of items to discover, you never can tell what you’re going to find. From amazing to rare, unique, and outrightly weird, you should always keep your mind open to discovering anything when thrift shopping.

For example, a lady once found a magazine ad of her twin uncles and great-grandma from 1952 from a thrift store in 2019. It was such an amazing find for her. Another discovered a purse in the shape of a teapot at a local Goodwill. Although it was a pretty odd discovery, she felt lucky because she was a potter. 

However, when it comes to weird thrift items, only a few come close to finding a case with a “do not open” label like this Redditor did. “I found a closed case at a local thrift shop. It was taped shut, and marked “Do not open”. Because of that, it had sat unsold and had been marked down from $100 to $17 over time,” the Redditor with username michael1256 wrote.

While so many people didn’t want to take any chances with the case, michael1256 stated that he’s not a rule follower. So, he went ahead to purchase it and couldn’t believe what he saw. 

The case contained a monolight, slave light, two light stands, two umbrellas, and sync cords. These items are pretty pricey, and the most amazing thing about them is that they have never been used. This would have been a true treasure and an extremely affordable find for a budding photographer.

As expected, commenters had a lot to say about this lucky thrift shopping experience. “Depending on the brand this could be worth a lot,” a commenter wrote. According to someone, the new items could have been sold for as high as $60 on Amazon.

Another said, “Cool find though congrats that’s awesome that would not [last] that long here in nyc.” This commenter noted that their local thrift store would have opened it and sold the items separately instead of just leaving the case as it was. 

A third person wrote, “Wow, what an incredible oversight on the part of the thrift store.” “It’s hilarious that the thrift store sold it without opening it up,” another Redditor wrote. “Could have been full of gold bullion.”

What do you think about this lucky Redditor’s thrift store discovery? Do you believe the thrift store ownership had any idea what was in it? Would you have purchased an item with a “don’t open” tag?

Most importantly, does this story inspire you to go on a thrift store adventure? If yes, go for it already. Who knows, Mother Luck may just be on your side and you may find something priceless too.


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