Never-Before-Seen ‘Mermaid’ Creature Washes Ashore in Papua New Guinea – Stumps Experts

By: Jospeh | Last updated: Nov 22, 2023

Rumor has it that a creepy-looking “mermaid” was seen washed ashore in Papua New Guinea, which has left nautical experts perplexed as they search for the best explanation. The myth-loving locals on this deserted island quickly buried the creature, leaving the scientific team only with snapshots sent via Facebook.

The strange white shape has been classified as a proper sea ‘globster’ – the masses of marine flesh sometimes found on beaches.

A Puzzling Phenomenon

Scientist He­lene Marsh thinks the object is a dead animal, not a pe­rson. She told Live Science­, “It could be anything, really.” Sascha Hooker, a marine­ animal expert, agree­s. Hooker hinted it might be a ve­ry old whale or dolphin. He explaine­d that these large se­a animals often turn ghostly white after de­ath.


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However, Erich Hoyt, a researcher with Whale and Dolphin Conservation in the UK, did not rule out it being a dugong (sea cow). But he can positively assert that whatever had been dug out of those grounds had already been dead for at least a week.


Clues in the Details

While examining the marine phenomenon, a trained marine biologist, Gregory Skomal, observed what may resemble a trachea. He said, “Initially, I was inclined to suggest a big shark, but after spending much time observing this, I am convinced it is a mammal because of the tail shape and location of the flippers.”


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Jens Curie is the chief scientist of the Pacific Whale Foundation in Hawaii. He said, “The thickness of blubber identifies a marine mammal instead of a shark.”

Decomposition Detectives

The last fact that we all are unanimous about is that decomposition is not a favorable factor in identification. The body of a creature is subjected to ruthless dances by the oceans; hence, its appearance may change a lot.


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Given how crucial decomposition is, it can be equated to solving half a puzzle with some missing pieces. And in this aspect, most of those pieces are just drifting across the endless space of the Pacific.

The Dugong Debate

Furthermore, other scholars suggest it could have been a dugong, a specific kind of sea cow. They are among the gentle giants who hardly ever let anyone get that close to them and almost become a mystery to be one themselves. This would be of great significance, especially if it is established that it was a dugong, and may offer information on their life cycles and behavior.


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Even with an appropriate inspection, it is all speculation. Eventually, of course, the ocean has a secret to keep.

Local Legends Live On

Undoubtedly, this story will be narrated by generations of local people who discovered this mysterious globster. This legendary sea monster will always remain one of the most important legends of this remote island.

Source: Facebook

It is surprising and amusing to note that in our world, where technologies usually decipher secrets, the sea can still throw up something that will bewilder even professionals.


A Lesson in Marine Mysteries

This unexpected event reminds us that although it is an information era, some parts of the natural world have not been explored. We have oceans that go deep down, and they continue to surprise us.

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While waiting for more information on this unusual finding, we can admire the richness of marine life. What other secrets are hidden in those deep waters, ready to be discovered? It appears that the sea will never run out of its gimmicks.


Nature's Cryptic Messages

Nature has a mysterious way of communicating with us, showing us how vast it is and why many people are always taken off guard. It demonstrates that some unknown entities exist even within unexplored regions; this mythical creature can serve as an example.

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In an attempt to unravel this mystery, as scientists analyze the little evidence we have, we may hope more for it. For the time being, it serves as a lure of mystery, inviting further interrogation into the depths of the sea.


The Thrill of Discovery

Discovering new things excites everyone. Take this strange obje­ct, for example. It looks like a me­rmaid from fairy tales. We all find it fascinating.

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The ocean is a massive place, and we still know very little about it. Who can tell what other wonders lie there?


A Testimony to Nature's Artistry

Nature is a wonderful artist. These natural occurrences have resulted in an interesting sight of a sculptured global mermaid-like-looking beast.

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Our planet remains vastly unexplored, with every discovery adding a new line to the picture book of Earth’s natural evolutionary history.


Guardians of the Sea Speak

In the end, marine experts watch over the sea like the guardians they really are. Drawing on their speculations and ideas helps elucidate this mysterious creature’s probable characteristics. With each observation, they get a step nearer to unraveling the mysteries that nature poses.

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Together, they constitute a priceless source of information regarding the mysteries contained within the waters. In doing so, we step towards discovering the reality behind this spectacular discovery.


A Beacon of Mystery

There is always another ocean or body of water to explore, and more land to cover. This ‘mermaid’ serves as a reminder to scientists that the strangest wonders lie in unlikely places. 

Source: Getty Images

As experts keep investigating, let’s cross our fingers that one day, more of the ocean’s mysteries will be revealed. However, we should expect the unexpected as we discover its secrets.
