Coloradans Want to Move to California, Eyeing San Diego Specifically

By: Lauren | Last updated: Nov 17, 2023

Colorado is certainly known as one of the most beloved states in the country, but according to a recent poll, if Coloradans were going to move, they’d be heading straight to sunny California.

In fact, 17.6% of residents in Colorado who were asked voted that they’d want to move to California above any other state, specifically to the southern city of San Diego.

Denver, Colorado: The Mile High City

Tens of thousands of people migrated from other states to Colorado last year, and most people landed in the state’s capital city of Denver.


Source: Raymond Boyd/Getty Images

And while Denver certainly has a lot to offer, including a plethora of tech jobs, outdoor activities, and the nearby Rocky Mountains, many residents are now saying that San Diego, California, is their dream location.


Why San Diego?

According to the study, Coloradans chose California due to the state’s gorgeous and temperate climate, outdoor activities, beautiful beaches, and liberal politics. And San Diego has all of that and more: beaches, mountains, and that California lifestyle.


Source: San Diego Tourism Authority

One voter explained, “San Diego has similar laid-back vibes to Denver — outdoorsy, great beer, relaxed environment and steady job market. Traffic is worse than Denver, but San Diego more than makes up for its perfect 75-degree and bug-free weather year-round.”

Is San Diego as Dreamy as Coloradans Imagine?

Anyone who has visited San Diego can attest to the fact that it is certainly one of the country’s most beautiful and laid back cities. The downtown isn’t far from the beach, and if you really want to live the California life, you can find a long-term rental in one of the adorable beachside neighborhoods.


Source: Travel in USA

But while SD has a lot to offer, it also has a few downsides that Coloradans may not be considering. San Diego is one of the most expensive cities in the country, and with a growing population, it’s becoming more challenging to find affordable housing.

Will San Diego’s Population Continue to Grow?

According to recent data, SD’s population growth is actually slowing, though there are still thousands of transplants moving there every year.


Source: Getty Images

For now, we don’t really know whether or not Denver, Colorado residents will actually make the move to the sunny coast. But that’s definitely where they’d want to go!